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The Seagull Nebula and Thor's Helmet in SHO


The Seagull Nebula and Thor's Helmet in SHO                 












  Object The Seagull Nebula (IC2177), with Thor's Helmet (NGC2359) at lower right, in Monoceros and Canis Major, in SHO
(see below for close-up views of two smaller objects in above photo)
  Telescope (Photo) William Optics Redcat 51 III OTA @ f/4.9 on Losmandy G-11 Mount
  Telescope (Guiding) Off-axis using OAG-Large with Redcat 51 III OTA @ f/4.9 on Losmandy G-11 mount
  Camera (Photo) ZWO ASI6200MM Pro full-frame monochrome CMOS Camera with ZWO 7 position 2" filter wheel, controlled by Sequence Generator Pro
  Camera (Guiding) ZWO ASI174MM Mini w/PHD2 Guiding 
  Exposure Detail Combination of 190 images at 300 seconds each:
   65 SII
   65 Ha
   65 OIII
Total 16.25 hours data capture, using ZWO 2" narrowband filters.  Calibrated with bias, flat-dark, and flat frames; image processing w/PixInsight 1.9.2
Location Quilted Starfields Observatory, Chiefland, FL  (N29.406, W82.859)
  Date 02/22/2025 - 03/01/2025
This is a close-up crop from the original photo above, of SH2-294 - The Octopus Nebula

Octopus Nebula - SH2-294
This is a close-up crop from the original photo above, of NGC2359 - Thor's Helmet

Thor's Helmet - NGC2359