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Jupiter-Io Shadow
Transit Animation - January 16, 2025

Object |
Io Shadow transit on Jupiter on January 16, 2025 (Io appears
moving off at right center with shadow following, Ganymede
moving in from right bottom, Great Red Spot moving towards
center from left) |
Telescope (Photo) |
Celestron 9.25" OTA @ f/10
and with TeleVue Powermate 2.5x Barlow, on Alt-Az
Celestron Evolution Mount |
Telescope (Guiding) |
N/A |
Camera (Photo) |
ZWO ASI585MC planetary camera |
Camera (Guiding) |
N/A |
Exposure Detail |
Video created from more than 16 individual
frames that were
each stacked from separate 30-second video files over about 8
minutes |
Location |
Quilted Starfields Observatory, Chiefland, FL (N29.406,
W82.859) |
Date |
01/16/2025 |