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The Christmas Tree Nebula Region
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Object The Christmas Tree Cluster (NGC2264) region, in Monoceros
Telescope (Photo) Canon 70-200mm zoom lens at 200mm @ f/4, piggybacked under a Celestron Edge 11 OTA on Losmandy G-11 Mount
Telescope (Guiding) Orion EON 80mm ED Refractor @ f/6.25 on Losmandy G11 Mount  
Camera (Photo) Canon 60Da DSLR camera,  controlled by Sequence Generator Pro  
Camera (Guiding) SBIG ST-i w/PHD2 Guiding
Exposure Detail Combination of 20 color images at 300 seconds each, ISO6400;  calibrated with bias,dark, and flat frames (combined in ImagesPlus 6.5); image processing w/PixInsight 1.9.2
Location Quilted Starfields Observatory, Chiefland, FL  (N29.406, W82.859)
Date 01/14/2024
(reprocessed 02/13/2025)