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Rho Ophiuchi (Region Around Antares)
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  Object Rho Ophiuchi region around Antares in Scorpius / Ophiuchus:
The bright yellow star illuminating the yellowish area of gas/dust at lower center is the star Antares.  Just to the right of Antares is the globular star cluster M4, with the reddish nebula SH2-9 just above it, around the whitish star Alniyat. The blue patch at upper center is the nebula IC4604, around the little group of stars called Rho Ophiuchi. The darkish streamers at left are dark nebulae Lynds 1688 and 1689 that are blocking light from the very dense starfields behind them. 
  Telescope (Photo) Canon 70-200mm zoom lens at 100mm @ f/4, piggybacked on a Celestron Edge 11 OTA on Losmandy G-11 Mount
  Telescope (Guiding) Off-axis using ZWO OAG-Large with Celestron 11" EdgeHD OTA @ f/7 on Losmandy G-11 mount
  Camera (Photo) Starlight Xpress Trius SX26C One-Shot Color CCD Camera controlled by Sequence Generator Pro
  Camera (Guiding) ZWO ASI174MM Mini w/PHD2 Guiding
  Exposure Detail Combination of 30 color images at 300 seconds each;  calibrated with bias, dark, and flat frames; image processing w/PixInsight 1.8.9 :
  Location Quilted Starfields Observatory, Chiefland, FL  (N29.406, W82.859)
  Date 06/07/2024
(reprocessed 12/07/2024)