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Spiral Galaxy M101 / M102














Spiral Galaxy (M101 / M102), "The Pinwheel Galaxy", in Ursa Major

  Telescope (Photo) Celestron 8" EdgeHD OTA  @  f/7 on Losmandy G-11 Mount
  Telescope (Guiding) Astro-Tech 72mm Refractor @ f/15 on Losmandy G11 Mount 
  Camera (Photo) Canon 50Dh DSLR Camera (Hutech modified) using ImagesPlus 5.0 Camera Control
  Camera (Guiding) SBIG ST-i w/PHD Guiding 
  Exposure Detail 22 images at 600 seconds each, ISO3200; reprocessed in PixInsight 1.8.9
  Location Private Property at Chiefland Astronomy Village, Florida
(N29.406, W82.860)
  Date 04/02/2014 (reprocessed 7/03/2024)
  Note Reprocessed data from 04/02/2014.  See original version here
  Comments M102 is the same object as M101, which occurred through an error in the original Messier cataloging.  However, spiral galaxy NGC5866 is believed by some astronomers to be the "real" M102.  Due to a recording error by Charles Messier, M102's position remains unclear and astronomers generally believe M102 to be a duplicate observation of M101.  However, if the recording error is rationalized, NGC5866 can be found in the position perhaps intended originally by Messier.