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M24 - The Sagittarius Star Cloud














The Sagittarius Star Cloud, (M24) with:

   - Milky Way starfield

   - open star cluster NGC6603 (slightly lower and left of center)

   - dark nebula B92 (near top and slightly left of center)

   - dark nebula B93 (slightly above and left of center)

in Sagittarius

  Telescope (Photo) Celestron 11" EdgeHD SCT OTA with Hyperstar @ f/2 on Losmandy G-11 Mount
  Telescope (Guiding) Orion EON 80mm ED Refractor @ f/6.25 on Losmandy G11 Mount
  Camera (Photo) Canon 50Dh DSLR (Hutech Modified)
  Camera (Guiding) Meade DSI III w/PHD Guiding
  Exposure Detail

Combination of 22 images at 30 seconds each, ISO3200; RAW file conversion, full calibration (bias, flat, dark, and flat dark), and image processing using PixInsight 1.8.9

  Location Cincinnati Astronomical Society's Dark-Sky Site (Adams County, Ohio) (N38.876, W83.464
  Date 09/04/10 (reprocessed 08/02/2024)