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Spiral Galaxy M51, The Whirlpool Galaxy














Spiral Galaxy (M51), "The Whirlpool Galaxy", in Ursa Major

  Telescope (Photo) Celestron 11" EdgeHD OTA  @  f/7 on Losmandy G-11 Mount
  Telescope (Guiding) Orion EON 80mm ED Refractor @ f/12.5 on Losmandy G11 Mount 
  Camera (Photo) Canon 60Da DSLR Camera using ImagesPlus 5.0 Camera Control
  Camera (Guiding) SBIG ST-i w/PHD Guiding 
  Exposure Detail 13 images at 600 seconds each, ISO3200; RAW file conversion, full calibration (flat, dark, bias, flat-dark), and image processing using PixInsight 1.8.9
  Location Private Property at Chiefland Astronomy Village, Florida
(N29.406, W82.860)
  Date 04/01/2014 (reprocessed 07/01/2024)