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M94 - Spiral Galaxy













  Object Spiral Galaxy (M94), in Canes Venatici
  Telescope (Photo) Meade LX200GPS 12” SCT @ f/6.3
  Telescope (Guiding) Meade LX200GPS 12" SCT @ f/6.3 (off-axis)
  Camera (Photo) Canon 20Da DSLR
  Camera (Guiding) Meade DSI Pro II w/ PHD Guiding
  Exposure Detail Combination of 19 images at 300 seconds each, ISO1600; RAW file conversion, full calibration (bias, flat, dark), and image processing using PixInsight 1.8.9
  Location Private Property at Chiefland Astronomy Village, Florida
(N29.406, W82.860)
  Date 03/02/08 (reprocessed 08/23/2024)