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The Pencil Nebula (Herschel's Ray)


The Pencil Nebula (Herschel's Ray)                 












  Object Nebula (NGC2736), "Herschel's Ray", in Vela
  Telescope (Photo) TeleVue 85mm OTA @ f/5.6 on ZWO AM5N mount
  Telescope (Guiding) William Optics UniGuide 32mm f/3.75 guide scope on ZWO AM5N mount
  Camera (Photo) ZWO ASI2600MC Duo one-shot APS-C color CMOS Camera, controlled by ZWO ASiair Plus 256GB
  Camera (Guiding) ZWO ASI220MM Mini w/ASiair Plus 256GB 
  Exposure Detail Combination of 77 images at 300 seconds each, total 6 hours 25 minutes data capture, using Optolong L-Ultimate duoband (Ha/OIII) 2" narrowband filter.  Calibrated with bias and dark frames; image processing w/PixInsight 1.9.2
Location Quilted Starfields Observatory, Chiefland, FL  (N29.406, W82.859)
  Date 02/25/2025 - 02/28/2025