About Me
You can reach me at
dot patrick at gmail dot com

Photo Courtesy of Bill Williams
Yep...this is me, Pat
Freeman, standing by my primary
astrophoto imaging rig at my backyard observory behind my home
in Chiefland, Florida. You can read more about my
"on-the-cheap" observatory
The main telescope is a Celestron Edge 11" tube, sitting on a
Losmandy G11 with Gemini2 mount, all mounted on a permanent
pier. At my right elbow you can see my newest (May 2024)
camera setup, a ZWO ASI6200MM Pro full-frame monochrome CMOS
camera, with a ZWO 7-position filter wheel (L/R/G/B/S2/Ha/O3),
and a ZWO big off-axis guider with a ZWO ASI174Mini guide
camera. Temporarily piggyback-mounted on top of the Edge
11 tube is a Canon 70-200L zoom lens with my previous main
camera, a Starlight Xpress MX26C CCD camera, used here for a few
nights of very wide-field imaging while guiding through the Edge
11 scope.

Photo Courtesy of
Charlie Warren |
Here I am again, standing outside my former "field home", otherwise known as a
Kendrick Observatory Tent,
coincidentally set up at the Chiefland Astronomy Village's main
observing field. This tent
was my home-away-from-home when I traveled frequently for
week-long astrophotography outings. You can just make out
the Meade 12" LX200GPS telescope
(having since been sold) in the tent, directly behind
me. This telescope was my primary
astrophotography platform for several years, having now been
sold to fund a Celestron Evolution 9.25" telescope meant for public stargaze duty. |
I've been interested in
astronomy since my teenage years in my home state of Ohio. When I was about 12, my
father gave me a 4" Criterion Dynascope reflector he'd won in a
raffle at work, and that telescope introduced me to the brighter
planets, including Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn. I got my
first serious telescope, an 8"
Celestron C-8 Deluxe Computerized
SCT, in 1997, now also retired to public stargaze duty. I can still remember my first night out with
it, and the thrill of seeing the Ring Nebula and M13 through it.
In 2002 I moved upscale with the 12"
Meade LX200GPS go-to
telescope. I added a Televue-85 refractor in 2004.
All three of these telescopes have been used for the older astrophotos you will see on this website.
Equipment additions (between 2009
and the Fall of 2013) have been a Losmandy G11 mount with Gemini
II Go-To, and a Celestron EdgeHD 11" optical tube with an Orion EON-80 refractor
as guide scope. I also added a completely new second
imaging rig, a Celestron EdgeHD 8" optical tube on another
Losmandy G11 mount with Gemini II Go-To, using an Astro-Tech
72mm refractor guide scope. In addition, I added a
light-weight imaging rig, iOptron's SkyTracker Pro mount, which I
can use on a photo tripod with any of the three Canon DSLR
cameras (20Da, Hutech-modified 50D, or 60Da) and any of several
lenses, for wide-field unguided photography. I also own a
Starlight Xpress MX26C one-shot color CCD camera and an old SBIG
ST-8300M monochrome CCD camera with a 5-position filter wheel
for tri-color (Red, Green, and Blue) imaging. Most of the latest astrophotos on this website were taken with
this new gear. I used to have several
favorite observing / astrophotography sites. One was the
Cincinnati Astronomical Society's dark-sky site in Adams County,
Ohio. One was the
Caesar Creek State Park area in southwest Ohio.
As of mid-2022, I've retired and permanently moved 875 miles
from my previous home in west-central Ohio, to the
Chiefland Astronomy Village in Florida, where I've
installed the Edge 11" on a permanent pier seen in the first
photo above. Most of the pictures you see on this website
were taken at one of these three favorite locations. |