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Background Photo: 
Open Star Cluster M41
in Canis Major



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Gallery of Astrophotographs
By P Freeman

Pat Freeman-in Galaxies

My name in galaxies courtesy of http://mygalaxies.co.uk/ 


Most Recent Astrophotos
(Click on thumbnail below to see full-size image)
Current Moon Phase
Chiefland, FL
From March, 2025:

The Christmas Tree Cluster and Neighborhood

Abell 31
Video Sequence:
Total Lunar Eclipse
Total Lunar Eclipse 3/14/2025 The Christmas Tree Nebula and
Abell 31 (SH2-290) -
 Planetary Nebula in HOO

The Seagull Nebula and Thor's Helmet in SHO
The Seagull Nebula and
Thor's Helmet in SHO

From February, 2025:

The Pencil Nebula

The Rosette Nebula and Neighborhood
NGC2736 - The Pencil Nebula in HOO The Rosette Nebula and Neighborhood The Lower-Central Orion Region in SHO Palette  

From January, 2025:

The Dolphin Head Nebula

M81 - Spiral Galaxy

The Medusa Nebula

The Medusa Nebula
SH2-308 - The Dolphin Head Nebula M81 - Spiral Galaxy PK 164+31.1 -
The Headphones Nebula
SH2-274 - The Medusa Nebula

Video Sequence:
Io Emerges from Shadow
Transit on Jupiter
Saturn 01/16/25 Mars 01/16/25 Jupiter with Ganymede, Io, Io's Shadow, and The Great Red Spot 01/16/25

The Spaghetti Nebula
Venus 01/14/25 Jupiter and Io 01/07/25 SH2-240 - The Spaghetti Nebula
(shown in both
SHO and HOO)

From December, 2024:

The Spaghetti Nebula

The Spaghetti Nebula

IC405 and IC410 -
The Flaming Star Nebula
and the Tadpoles Nebula
SH2-240 - The Spaghetti Nebula The Horsehead and Flame
M45 - The Pleiades

The Heart Nebula
NGC1579 - The Little Trifid Nebula Region      

From November, 2024:

The Heart Nebula

The California Nebula

The Fossil Footprint Nebula

The Cave Nebula
IC14805 - The Heart Nebula NGC1499 - The California Nebula NGC1491 - The Fossil Footprint Nebula SH2-155 - The Cave Nebula

From October, 2024:

The Ghost of Cassiopeia

The Iris Nebula Region

The Shark Nebula

The Flying Bat Nebula and The Squid Nebula
IC59 and IC63 - The Ghost of Cassiopeia Nebula NGC7023 - The Iris Nebula and Surrounding Region LDN1235 - The Shark Nebula SH2-129 / OU4 -
The Flying Bat Nebula /
The Squid Nebula
in Narrowband

From September, 2024:

The Bubble Nebula
NGC7380 - The Wizard Nebula in Narrowband      

From August, 2024:

The Bubble Nebula
NGC7635 - The Bubble Nebula in Narrowband M54 - Globular Cluster M4 - Globular Cluster M70 - Globular Cluster

From June, 2024:

Stephan's Quintet
NGC4169 - The Box Galaxy Group
Planetary Nebula NGC2610
The Ghost of Jupiter

The Blinking
Planetary Nebula
Planetary Nebula
PK 164 +33.1
Planetary Nebula
 NGC2371 / NGC2372
Planetary Nebula IC418

NGC6960 - Witch's Broom Nebula
Veil Nebula Region
NGC5078 -
Spiral Galaxy
NGC2903 -
Spiral Galaxy

M31 - The
Andromeda Galaxy
IC443 - The
Jellyfish Nebula
IC405 - The
Flaming Star Nebula
NGC6992 - The
Eastern Veil Nebula

NGC2997 -
Spiral Galaxy
The Medusa Nebula
Planetary Nebula NGC40
NGC246 - Planetary Nebula

NGC7023 - The Iris Nebula
Rho Ophiuchi The Cat's Eye Nebula - NGC6543  

From May, 2024:

The Eyes Galaxy Pair - NGC4435/4438 Spiral Galaxy - NGC5746 (reprocessed) The Antennae Galaxies - NGC4038/4039 Spiral Galaxy - NGC6118

The Hamburger Galaxy - NGC3628 Open Star Cluster - M47 Open Star Cluster - M46 Open Star Cluster - M48

From April, 2024:

The Great Barred Spiral Galaxy - NGC1365(reprocessed) The Antennae Galaxies - NGC4038/4039
The Pinwheel Galaxy - M101(reprocessed)  

The Bubble Galaxy - NGC3521 Galaxy Pair: 
The Whale and the Pup
Mosaic:  Total Solar Eclipse 4/8/2024 Video Sequence:  Complete
Total Solar
Eclipse 4/8/2024

GoPro Video:  Total Solar
Eclipse 4/8/2024
M33 -
The Triangulum Galaxy (reprocessed)
M42 -
The Orion Nebula
The Southern
Pinwheel - M83

From March, 2024:

Spiral Galaxy NGC4274 The Hockey Stick
Galaxy - NGC4656/57
Sunspots 2024-03-25  The Silver Needle
Galaxy - NGC4244

From February, 2024:

The Running Man Nebula

The Cone Nebula

The Owl Nebula
The Running Man Nebula Spiral Galaxy NGC2613 The Cone Nebula The Owl Nebula

Spiral Galaxy M106      

From January, 2024:

The Seagull Nebula

The Rosette Nebula

The Seagull Nebula Planetary Nebula
The Rosette Nebula The Christmas Tree Cluster Region

The Witch Head Nebula      

From December, 2023:

The Witch Head Nebula
and Nearby Region

From November, 2023:


NGC891 - The Outer Limits Galaxy
NGC1491 - Emission
 Nebula in Perseus
NGC891 - The Outer Limits Galaxy    

From October, 2023:

NGC253-The Sculptor Galaxy

Globular Cluster M2


NGC253 - The Sculptor Galaxy M2 - Globular Star Cluster NGC925 - Barred-Spiral Galaxy in Triangulum NGC185 - Elliptical Galaxy in Cassiopeia

The Pac-Man Nebula

Partial Solar Eclipse October 14, 2023
NGC281 - The Pac-Man
Partial Solar Eclipse -
October 14, 2023

From September, 2023:

The Helix Nebula

Spiral Galaxies NGC7332 and NGC7339
NGC7293 - The Helix Nebula NGC7332 and NGC7339 -
Spiral Galaxies in Pegasus

From August, 2023:


Spiral Galaxy M74

The Bubble Nebula

The Dumbbell Nebula
NGC7331/35/36/376/38/40 - The Deer Lick Galaxy Group M74 - Spiral Galaxy in Pisces NGC7635 - The Bubble Nebula M27 - The Dumbbell Nebula

From July, 2023:

Pickering's Triangle


The Bat Nebula

Pickering's Triangle NGC6888 -
The Crescent Nebula
NGC6995 -
The Bat Nebula
NGC6946 -
The Fireworks Galaxy

From June, 2023:


M20-The Trifid Nebula Spiral Galaxy NGC5247    

From May, 2023:

Supernova 2023ixf in M101

Supernova 2023ixf in Spiral Galaxy M101 Spiral Galaxy NGC3344 Spiral Galaxies
NGC4634 / NGC4633
The Whirlpool Galaxy -

From April, 2023:

NGC4302 and NGC4298 -
 Spiral Galaxies
NGC4517 - Spiral Galaxy NGC4725 - Spiral Galaxy NGC4676 - The Mice

From March, 2023:

The Crab Nebula Reflection Nebula (M78) The Monkey Head Nebula Spiral Galaxy (NGC4565)

Omega Centauri Spiral Galaxies in Leo The Sombrero Galaxy The Hamburger Galaxy

The Monkey Head Nebula Lower's Nebula SH2-261 Abell 31 The Seagull Nebula

The Dolphin Head Nebula IC2169 Emission Nebula SH2-282  

From February, 2023:

Spiral Galaxy (M95) Spiral Galaxy (NGC2683) Thor's Helmet The Eskimo Nebula

Irregular Galaxy (M82)      

From December, 2020:

Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction
Conjunction of
Jupiter and Saturn,
December 2020


From July, 2020:

Comet C/2020 Neowise

Comet C/2020 Neowise

Comet C/2020 Neowise
July 17, 2020

Comet C/2020 Neowise
July 17, 2020
Comet C/2020 Neowise
July 11, 2020
Comet C/2020 Neowise
July 11, 2020

From November, 2019:

Mercury Transit      

From November, 2018:

M31 Region M45 - The Pleiades NGC1499 NGC7000 -
The North America

The Double Cluster,
The Heart Nebula,
And The Soul Nebula

From July, 2018:

M8 and M20 -
The Lagoon and
Trifid Nebulae
The Double Cluster    
From November, 2017:      

The Pinwheel Galaxy (M33) The Horsehead and Flame IC1795 The Flaming Star Nebula

The Rosette Nebula IC1318 Region The California Nebula The Cocoon Nebula

IC59 / IC63 M78 Reflection Nebula Thor's Helmet  

From August, 2017:

Total Solar Eclipse Sequence Total Solar Eclipse
First Contact
Total Solar Eclipse
Total Solar Eclipse
Nearly Total

Total Solar Eclipse
with Prominences
(taken by Dana Willis)
Total Solar Eclipse
with Corona
(taken by Dana Willis)

From December, 2015:

The Flaming Star Nebula      

From November, 2015:

The Eskimo Nebula The Running Man Nebula Galaxy Group
Hickson 46
Galaxy Group
Hickson 99

The Pinwheel
Galaxy Group
Hickson 34
Galaxy Group
Hickson 96
Galaxy Group
(Stephan's Quintet)
Hickson 92

Spiral Galaxy NGC891 The Cygnus Region Dome and Stars  

From September, 2015:
"Supermoon" Lunar
Eclipse: September 27,

From April, 2015:
Star Trails (North) The Big Dipper Virgo and
Coma Berenices

From March, 2015:

Galaxy Group
Galaxy Group
Hickson 53
The Ghost of Jupiter The Owl Nebula

Galaxy Group
Hickson 51
Planetary Nebula IC2165 Galaxy Group
Hickson 33
Galaxy Group
Hickson 37

Galaxy Group
Hickson 67
Planetary Nebula NGC2438 Planetary Nebula NGC2440 Planetary Nebula HE2-126

Galaxy Group
Hickson 57
Galaxy Group
Hickson 58
Galaxy Group
Hickson 68
Planetary Nebula NGC2452

Planetary Nebula NGC2610 Planetary Nebula NGC6058    

From December, 2014:
Comet C/2014 Q2

From November, 2014:
Galaxy Group
Hickson 93
Galaxy Group
Hickson 21
Galaxy Group
Hickson 10
(with Asteroid 4820 Fay)
Planetary Nebula
Minkowski's Footprin

Planetary Nebula NGC1535 Planetary Nebula NGC1360 Galaxy Group
Hickson 88
Galaxy Group
Hickson 23

Galaxy Group
Hickson 16
Planetary Nebula NGC6891 Planetary Nebula Abell 12 Planetary Nebula NGC2392 -
The Eskimo Nebula

Double Cluster Region The Hyades The Beehive Cluster Region Orion's Belt Region

Galaxy Group
Hickson 100
Galaxy Group
Hickson 22
Galaxy Group
Hickson 30
Planetary Nebula
PK 163 +33.1

Planetary Nebula
 NGC2371 / NGC2372
Planetary Nebula IC418 The Moon 11/27/2014 Galaxy Group
Hickson 7

Planetary Nebula IC351 Planetary Nebula NGC2346 Planetary Nebula IC289  

From October, 2014:
Planetary Nebula NGC1501 Planetary Nebula NGC7048 The Turtle Nebula Planetary Nebula NGC6852

The Cheeseburger Nebula Planetary Nebula NGC2022    

From September, 2014:
Planetary Nebula NGC40 Planetary Nebula NGC7008 Planetary Nebula NGC1514 The Saturn Nebula

Planetary Nebula NGC7027 The Cat's Eye Nebula The Blinking
Planetary Nebula
The Blue Snowball

Campbell's Hydrogen Star      

From May, 2014:
Magnitude -8 Iridium
Flare in Hercules
The Summer Triangle Galaxies M81 & M82 The Leo Trio

Rho Ophiuchi Nebula M16 - The Eagle Nebula 8 Meteors Over 4 Hours Supernova in M106

M20 - The Trifid Nebula      

From March/April, 2014:
Scorpius -
The Scorpion
The Teapot and
the Scorpion
Leo - the Lion Gemini -
The Twins

Centaurus -
the Centaur
Spiral Galaxy
Supernova SN2014J
in M82
Twin Quasar with
Spiral Galaxy NGC3079

The Southern
Pinwheel - M83
The Hunter and
His Dog
The Big and
Little Dippers
The Charioteer -

The Crow and
the Cup
Galaxy Group
Hickson 44
Comet C2012K1 -
The Whirlpool
Galaxy - M51

Spiral Galaxy - M101 Spiral Galaxy - NGC2903 The Sombrero Galaxy Jupiter 4/3/14

Mars 4/3/14 Saturn 4/3/14 Jupiter 4/3/14 Mars 4/19/14

Saturn 4/19/14